We are lucky enough that one of the BIGGEST music festivals in Africa happen right under our noses in April EVER YEAR :) Splashy Fen is the most amazing music festival in THE WHOLE WIDE WORLD!! People, hippies and even make believe fairies gather in the secluded mountains of the Berg to all join together, listen to the most amazing local music and just have a jam for four days solid.
It is a festival of epicness including bonfires, concerts, hooters comedy tent and unknown amount of music( one reason its unknown because there is either a lot of it or you cant really remember much from the day before)The coolest people ever and hippies with weed. Everything and anything is possible at splashy, even some floating mini fairies if you tried the hard stuff.
The rivers there for swimming and floating on anything floatable, tubes, blow up beds even a raft made entirely out of beer cans. You see the most amazing things like fire dancers and knife eaters and my favorite pert is the special hippie tent where you sit in a drum circle and drum till your heart is content. Stumbling in the dark at three o'clock in the morning is your daily routine for there is no light and lots to be done till the sun comes up.
The music varies from all day chilled acoustic to night time head banging rock. One of the main bands from this year included the hairy legged lentil eaters which have been performing at splashy for 20 years. They are a band totally made up of the coolest old men you have ever met. Hats and all the walk onto stage with the coolest swag and jam till they cant jam no more!!!!!!!
|For the shopholics Splashy is the best culture shock you have ever witnesses. Tie die and feathers make a dress and Mohawk wigs are spread through all the tents.
The most beautiful shops sell dream catchers and incense( Even cannabis smelling ones). Beautiful tents are spread throughout the splashy space and all day is a chilled affair.
Splashy is a hippies dream and a parents nightmare :):) Just remember kids bring your Gumboots and raincoats, for its gonna get wet, cold and AWESOME!!!!